Organisms in Motion: Practical Applications of Biological Research

To explore the ways in which a scientist is applying research on animal locomotion for practical human uses, examine the locomotion of microscopic protists, and propose potential practical applications of their observations.

Lasers Saving Sight

To understand that problems are solved, or new technology discovered, by scientists using information from disciplines other than their own; to appreciate the fact that discoveries today could not be made without the discoveries that came before.

Behind the Mission to Mercury - Science NetLinks

To assess the goals, benefits, success, and limitations of technology (instruments) on a space mission.


4th year under graduate students


The demand for new pharmaceutical production sources has led to investigations of natural bioactive substances. Marine sponges harbor compounds with..


87% of the world’s fisheries are considered either fully exploited and do not promise an increase in production, or overexploited and may be salvaged if...


Blue pigmented copepods (microscopic organisms) are among the most diverse animals on the planet. There are almost 260 different species of copepods and ...

The Effectiveness Of The Cytochrome C Oxidase Gene On The Identification Barcode Of Indigenous Red Sea Porifera

The demand for new pharmaceutical production sources has led to investigations of natural bioactive substances. Marine sponges harbor compounds with ...

Validation Of The Mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit 1 Gene Sequence As A Genetic Marker In The Red Sea

87% of the world’s fisheries are considered either fully exploited and do not promise an increase in production, or overexploited and may be salvaged if ...

Identification Of New Species Of Blue Pigmented Copepods In The Red Sea

Blue pigmented copepods (microscopic organisms) are among the most diverse animals on the planet. There are almost 260 different species of copepods and ...

The Effect Of Camel`s Urine & Milk In Treating Growth Of Bacteria

This research addresses the effect of using Camel Urine in Camel Milk solution to counter the growth of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria which cause ..

The Effects Of Linking Multi Drugs With Silica Nanoparticles Coated With Silver Nanoparticles To Effectively Treat Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Approximately 5000 people die each day from TB and it is the greatest infectious killer ..

The Effects Of Applying A Novel Silica Nanoparticle Compound Medication To Effectively Eradicate Malaria

Malaria kills 1 to 2 million people annually according to WHO reports. The problem is that the malaria parasite resists most medicines used to kill it because ...

Computational Prediction Of Vaccine Potential Epitopes And 3d Structure Of Xage-1b For Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Immunotherapy

XAGE-1b is highly and strongly expressed in lung adenocarcinoma and immunogenic in patients, regarded as one of the most immunogenic antigens. In ...

More Than A Kernel Of Truth: Correlation Of Effects Of Time And Temperature On Starch And Sugar In Sweet Corn

Quality and freshness of sweet corn is of major concern to consumers and commercial growers, warranting scientific scrutiny. The effects of time and ...

Olive Derivatives

Olive leaves used to be chewed in some villages to prevent dental caries, which is caused by the acid produced by bacteria present in the mouth. Combining the ..

The Involvement Of Tp53 Codon G72c Polymorphism In Genetic Predisposition To Cervical Cancer

Carcinoma of the uterine cervix is the twelfth most common neoplaisa in Saudi Arabian women, versus third worldwide. Inherent tendency to develop cancer ...

Hepatitis C Genotype 4 Ns5a Protein: A New Study Determining Combination Therapy Drug Resistance In Saudi Patients

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) has transformed from a silent disease to become a threat to the world, with approximately 170 million people infected globally...

Unprecedented Lethal Effect On Trichomonas Vaginalis By A Combinational Therapy Interfering With The Purine Salvage Of The Parasite

Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite that causes a common, sexually transmitted disease with a worldwide impact. Infection can predispose to HIV infection and ...

A Novel Purification Method To Improve The Efficiency Of Fluorescent Proteins Applications

Due to high efficiency and insolubility, dyes produced by Fluorescent proteins (FP) have been implemented for a variety of applications, such as protein ..

Novel Gene Identification Using The Transpose Elements In Rhodococcus Aetherivorans Plasmid Pra3

Genome annotation has a huge impact on molecular biology. Therefore, making an annotated database using Rhodococcus aethreivorans bacteria will ...

Concentration Effects Of Methyl Beta Cyclodextrin On Cell Adhesion

Lipid rafts play an integral role in cell adhesion. This project investigates the use of Methyl Beta Cyclodextrin to disrupt lipid rafts in chicken embryonic retina cells ..

Effect Of Venoms Extracted From Walterinnasia Aegyptia And Echis Coloratus Snakes On The Induction Of Growth Arrest Of Colon Cancer Cells

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a worldwide health problem and is considered as one of the most prevalent causes of cancer mortality. Saudi Arabian patients are ...

Study The Radiosensitivity And Carrier`s Frequency Of Ataxia Talengectasia Like Disorder (ATLD)

Ataxia telangectasia like disorder (ATLD) is an autosomal recessive inheritance diseases, caused by mutations in Mre11 gene lead to deficiency of MRN ..

The Effectiveness Of Guanidine Functionalized Polymers In Carbon Dioxide Capture And Utilization

Due to increasing use of fossil fuels, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are expected to exceed 700 ppm by the year 2050. This initiated innovative scientific ..

Synthesizing Biogenic Compounds For The Sustainability Of The Aqueous Suzuki-Mayura Reaction: A Novel Green Chemistry Approach

The Suzuki-Mayura cross-coupling reaction is one of the most powerful and versatile methods to form C-C and C-X bonds. However, this reaction typically ...

Using A Novel Method To Synthesize Silver Nanospheres For Optical Viability And Cost Effectiveness

Plasmonic nanostructures have shown to be a powerful platform in the manipulation of light. In plasmonics, metal nanostructures can serve as antennas ...

The Synthesis Of The Novel Organocatalyst, Pentanidium, To Efficiently Produce D- Form Amino Acids

Catalysts currently used to synthesize D- Form amino acids are expensive due to their sensitivity to moisture –H2O- and oxygen, limited substrate scope, high PTC ..

Green Chemistry: A Novel Approach To Improve The Recoverability, Activity, & Performance Of Nano-Structured Catalysts

The utilization of nano-structured materials as catalysts is highly relevant due to their elevated catalytic efficiency, recovery and reuse rates. Today, the main ..

Super Small With Speed

Advances in nanotechnology have given birth to new classes of materials. These developed nanoparticles could provide a high surface area, and so it has great ...

90`s To 10`s: Reusing Computers In Smart Way

Annually, a huge number of old workstations continue to be stacking in dumpsters. Many Computer users are buying computers with capabilities that ..

Frobenius Problem Advantages Over Encrypting Methods

Encryption methods have been consistently improving with the goal of making it harder to break the codes. This research studies the Frobenius problem and how ...

Be Safe With Better Rules For Mod_Security

This project is about protecting websites hosting servers from unauthorized entries and hacking activities by writing certain defined rules using ...

Multi-Purpose Designing Machine

The main idea of this project is the integration of computer, electrical and mechanical sub systems in order to construct an artificially intelligent device ...

Staros Doors 2.0

This Project presents the way to make Linux easier and more interesting in use then what`s the doors will be opened after Linux come easier and especially the ..

A Device For Measuring The Vibrations And Earthquakes

This project aims at finding a device for finding out the strength of mechanical vibration including earthquakes by transferring the mechanical waves into sound waves that are translated into electric ...

Using Modified Natural Zeolite To Improve The Characteristics Of Soil

The basicity and high saline content of soil is a conflict in the agricultural field; since basic soil that is saturated with (K+, Na+, Mg, Ca+) has different chemical and physical characteristics than standard soil..

Satellite Solar Panel Launch Support & Release Mechanism

Solar panels are the main power source in MIT’s satellite CASTOR. A latch mechanism must be designed so it can support these panels and release them ...

Knee Eye Device (KED)

The research problem is the addressed the difficulty of mobility for deaf-blind individuals because of their audio and visual disability. The research aims to ..

The Safe Drill

The noise from drilling causes hearing problems or hearing loss . In addition, the dust particles results from the drilling process causes Asthma and vision ...

Intelligent Door

Children safety is extremely important. This engineered invention is designed to allow for monitoring of children and alarming the house when children go through ...

Guiding Light: Employing Distorted Magnetic Field For Effective Indoor Navigation

This paper sheds light on the improvement for the positioning aspect of the Guiding Light project, which is a new indoor positioning system. Guiding Light ..

Intelligent Safe Roads (Isr)

The purpose of the Intelligent Safe Road (ISR) project is to device a solution to the increasing number to over-speeding traffic accidents problem. The designed ...

Electronic Lifeguard Buddy Wireless Alarming Device To Prevent Kids From Risks Associated With Swimming Pools

Swimming pools offer great fun venues for kids and families. Yet, the risks associated with swimming pools are becoming increasingly apparent. It is found ..

Creative Washbasin

The idea of this project is to design a washbasin with adjustable height and depth to fit the use of people with different heights and body sizes. In several ..


Number of deaths and causalities are still high in buildings fires, Although these buildings have emergency exits and facilities to maintain the safety of its ...

Smart Fire Detector Electronic Solution For Automatic Reporting Of Fires For Safer & Better Protected Facilities

This research project (Smart Fire Detector, shortly named SFD) aims to find an alternative solution for traditional methods used for automatic reporting of fire ..

Smart Intersection System (SIS)

Traffic accidents at intersections are one of today`s frequent problems. In many countries, worldwide, traffic accidents are one of the highest causes of death and ...

Pipe Saving Bot (P.S.B.)

Pipe Saving Bot (P.S.B.) is an alternative unmanned solution to inspect, repair and operate offshore and underwater valves and pipes, replacing the traditional ...

Improving Seawater Membrane Distillation: The Development Of Carbon Nanotube-Coated Nickel Hollow Fiber Membranes

Water use has been growing more than twice the population rate in the last century. Considering the sources of seawater account for as high as 97% of all ...

Red Sea Ecosystem: A Novel Study To Determine Phytoplankton Diversity During Mesocosm Blooms

Phytoplankton can account for 50% of the primary production in the marine ecosystem and their diversity is important for regulating cycles of carbon and ...

Removal Of Algal Material Using Coagulation-Flocculation-Decantation

As the problem of water scarcity is increasing by the year, the need for seawater desalination significantly rises. Almost one fifth of the world`s population lives in ...

Rapid Intervention: A Practical Solution For The Protection Against Butane Explosions

With the proliferation of cooking gas everywhere, its dangers increased. If gas leak occurred and wasn`t detected , this will cause explosions that produce large ...

H2o Splitting Using Photon In Chemistry

In order to get a clean (bacteria-free) water, we can add a catalyst substance to a polluted waters such as swamp waters which usually endanger surrounding ...

Sealing Of Deep-Boreholes For Radioactive Waste Disposal

The deep-borehole concept is a promising approach for nuclear waste disposal. It is essentially a very deep hole drilled vertically in granite bedrock for storage of ...

Gray Matters: Using Grey Water From Air Conditioning Units To Reduce Bathroom Water Consumption

Because we live in Jeddah which is located on the sea, the high temperature with relatively high humidity is dominant over the year which causes a big ...

The Evaluation Of Environmental Pollution On Heavy Metals In Pastoral Plants From Mahad Althahab Regional Mine

Our mine polluted our plants, our animals and our lives. The people of Mahd Althahaah are deeply concerned about the dangerous consequences of mine ...

Application Of A Novel Electrochemical Etching Method To Fabricate Nano-Scaled Probes For Functional Functional Use In Scanning Probe Microscopy

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) are vital technological breakthroughs in the fields of nanolithography and surface ...

The Development Of An Effective Wireless Sensor Network For A Flood Monitoring System

Numerous cities around the world are overpopulated and therefore flooding has become a serious problem. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, suffered from extreme floods ...

Fabrication And Comparison Of Plastic And Metal Ferroelectric Capacitors For Information Technology Applications

Current silicon-based technology has many down-sides, including low physical flexibility, high cost, problems with scaling, and high power consumption. The use ...

Comparison Of Transverse Damage Behavior In Nanoreinforced And Non-Nanoreinforced Gfrp

Composite materials have beneficial applications, especially in aerospace and automotive technologies, due to their desirable properties, which include overall ..

A Novel Optimization Technique Using Hydrophilic Poss-Peo Nanoparticles And Psu-Peo Block Co-Polymers On Hydrophobic Polysulfone Membranes

Critical worldwide applications, such as seawater desalination, utilize Polysulfone (PSU) membranes. They are part of the ultrafiltration and microfiltration ...

Optimization Of Zno Electron-Selective Buffer Layers In Flexible Organic Photovoltaic Devices

Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) cells are important in the field of materials science due to their light weight, simple fabrication, and flexibility. Bulk-Heterojunction ...

A Study Of The Capture Rate Quantification On Magnetic Nano Particles For Biomedical Applications

Magnetic nano-particles have been undergoing studies because of their unique properties. Although functionalization of such particles has been used to ...

The Study Of The Effectiveness Of Novel Optimization Of Digital Image Correlation To Obtain Accurate Full-Field Displacement Measurements

In the field of Mechanical Engineering, displacement of material can be used in identification of mechanical properties. When heterogeneous materials are ...

Active Windows Shields A Helpful Solution To Save Lives In Buildings Emergencies

In Saudi Arabia, people place metallic bars on windows of homes and residential buildings to secure them from burglaries. These shields are found to be very ...

The Use Of Nanoparticles To Decrease The Coefficient Of Refraction In Oil Reservoirs For Improving 4d Seismic Surveys

While current oil recovery rates are relatively low, ranging below 40%, costs of drilling are relatively high, at approximately $42,000 a day. The purpose of this ...

Fabrication Of Flexible Pressure Sensors Using Mwcnts Nanocomposites Material

Pressure sensors can be used in daily applications such as electronic pressure gauges, organization of traffic lights, and medical devices. There is a need to ...

The Elite Light: A New Sun System That Reduces Electricity Consumption

The problem of wasting electric power can be counted as one of the main reasons why the electricity consumption requirement exceeds 53% of the total ...

A Continuation Study On Petroleum Recovery Rates: Creating A Pickering Emulsion In Oil Reservoirs To Increase The Accuracy Of 4D Seismic Surveys

Current oil recovery rates are relatively low, ranging below 40%, while the costs of drilling are relatively high, approximately $42,000 a day. This will lead to a ...

Alternative Fuels For Future Engines: Investigating The Potential Of Face A, Face C, And Farnasane As Novel Alternative Gasolines And Biofuels

World energy consumption is expected to increase 53% by the year 2035, with a continuing dependence on fossil fuels. Therefore, the examination of alternative ...

Producing Electricity Using Geothermal Energy

Humans must resort more to renewable energies to minimize the effects of global warming. This research aims at building a hybrid electricity plant between a ...

Generating Electricity From Cactus

This study aimed to determine the ability of generating electricity from cutting pieces of Cactus plate and time period of continuously feeding up LED lamp with ...

Coal Gasification Using Solar Energy

The use of oil as a source of fuel is conventional as it is easily transported in pipelines or by tankers. However, the greatest disadvantage of oil is that it has a ...

An Innovative Way To Help In The Functioning Of Cars On The Roads In Snow And Ice

The problem of the project depends on the ability of non- functioning of most of the cars on the snow and in the event of Freeze , leading to the creation of crises ...

Power Saving In Public Road Lighting

The project aims at reducing the power consumption and capacity requirements, through savings in the road lighting system. A simple minutre was constructed ...

Wind Lens Innovation: Maximizing Wind Turbine Efficiency

As natural resources deplete, renewable green energy is in high demand. Wind energy is an extraordinary source of energy that is both highly sustainable and ...

O.V.W.S (Over-Height Vehicles Warning System)

It`s reported that the frequency of over-height vehicles` accidents increased by 75% between 1995 and 2009. This research offers an innovative method to ...

Alternate Source Of Energy For A Lower Consumption Of Petroleum Fuel In Vehicles

Our project is about finding a new way for decreasing petroleum consumption in vehicles. Our aim is to minimize fuel consumption by changing the kinetic energy ...

An Economical Method Of Converting Oil Shale Into Liquid Fuel Using Solar Enegry

The aim of our experiments was to find a cheap unconventional source of energy in the form of liquid fuel from oil shale using solar power. We had previously ...


The Red Sea harbors the second largest coral reef system in the world. Unfortunately, many of those corals are starting to bleach. At the base of coral...

Catching IR: Contributing In Solving Global Warming By Finding The Most Efficient Surface For Reducing Reflection Of Infrared Light From The Sun In Order To Reduce The Co2 Absorption For The Radiation

Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.8 Celsius and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate. In ...

Softening De-Carbonated Water

Water contains dissolved CO2 in the form of carbonates. Ca+2/Mg+2 ions in hard water react with carbonates forming CaCO3/MgCO3 which is poorly ...

Heavy Metals In Mines

The object of this projects is to determine the concentration of heavy metals in Mahd Althahab city soil and the association between soil pollution and the ...

The Effect Of Lead Pollution On Blood

Lead is an environmental contaminant that is used significantly in modern industry. The purpose of this project is to study the effect of Lead toxicity on ...

A Device To Minimize The Percentage Of Acidic Gases In Diesel Exhaust

The concentration of acidic gases in diesel exhaust was measured. A device was made and tested to minimize these gases. A 100ml of diesel exhaust ...

A Device To Minimize The Percentage Of Acidic Gases In Diesel Exhaust

The concentration of acidic gases in diesel exhaust was measured. A device was made and tested to minimize these gases. <br><br>A 100ml of diesel exhaust ...

The Useful Dimp Spring (Device For Improving The Mixing Process) In Gasoline Engines

This project in its present form is a device used for reducing pollution, fuel consumption and improves the mixing process in gasoline engines.The ...

Cwadis (Continual Water Disinfection System)

According to WHO, half of humanity has diseases associated with unsafe water. Therefore; many people are daily exposed to dangerous diseases such as ...

Environmental Refrigerator

This device was designed in order to preserve food, save money, save electricity and help the environment. The main purpose behind designing this ...

Car Exhaust Purification System To Reduce Air Pollutants Of Car Engines

One of the main reasons for excessive pollution in the world is the huge amounts of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by car engines. ...

The Environmental Refrigerator

Nowadays, people are conscious of the importance of preserving food without causing any environmental harm and without depending on ...

Bernolli Vintori Sidewalk

Our projects main goal is to suction the polluted air in the street`s environment in a physical, natural and an inexpensive way using solar energy...

Comparative Effects Of Uhf Emr On Plants Of The Order Dicotyledonae

This project involved subjecting different species of plants to radio waves in the ultra high frequency electromagnetic radiation (UHF EMR) region. Its effects on ...

Math Out Of The Box! Creative Methodology In Simplifying Math

The nature of math really needs specific mental abilities which makes this subject hard for many students. To create creative method to solve the math operations...

Math Game, Practice What You Learn While Playing

Math Game project is about creating educational tool for children to practice the main mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and ...

It Is Not Just Of Degree One..! A Theory To Find The Reminder In Polynomials Divisions

Introduction: The difficulty of finding the remainder in a division of polynomials of the second degree by long division is a problem we decided to efficiently solve. ...

Completing Polynomials Of N-Th Order, Super Conic Sections And New Geometric Shapes

In this paper we will introduce a new study of a new family of polynomials and geometric shapes that are related. An extension of completing the ...

Prime Numbers Study Using Computational Methods

Prime numbers have intrigued curious thinkers for centuries, and this research project will focus on studying various properties of primes and continue some ...

The Expression, Purification, And Characterization Of The Omce Protein To Determine Its Role In The Membrane Electron Transfer

The pathway of electron transfer reactions (ETRs) ensured by Geobacter sulfurreducens`s outer surface c-type cytochromes has been identified in ...

The Cyp2c19 Polymorphisms In Saudi Population: Clinical Response To Clopidogrel In Coronary Artery Disease

A previous study demonstrated that 5.5 % of the Saudi population have Coronary Artery Disease- CAD. Plavix (Clopidogrel) is the preventative measure of choice and is a prodrug antiplatelet agent that requires ...

The Effect Of Natural Herb Extracts On The Production Of Dengue Fever Virus In Cell Culture

The horrific flooding in Saudi Arabia in (2009) was the foundation of increasing Dengue Fever Virus (DFV) cases, especially in the city of Jeddah with 263 ...

Fighting For The Orange Ribbon: Acute Myeloid Leukemia Type-3 Differentiation Triggered By Cisplatin

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is estimated to affect over 18,000 people in the United States this year. It occurs when there`s a blockage in differentiation. AML type 3 doesn`t have a chemotherapeutical agent ...

Determining The Effect Of Red Sea Sponge: Associated Bacteria Against Hiv-1 Integrase And Hela Cancer Cell Line

In 2012, an estimated 2.3 million people were newly infected with HIV, while 14.1 million people were diagnosed with cancer. Marine sponges are considered to be habitats for numerous multitudes of bacteria ...

Ralstonia Metallidurans To Produce Gold Alongside Other Rare Metals

Ralstonia metallidurans to produce gold alongside other rare metals.The Ralstonia metallidurans is a gram negative bacteria that lives in metallic environment in order to produce gold...

Establishing A Novel Pathophysiology Of Autism And Cryptogenic Epilepsy Induced By Toxoplasma Gondii Metabolomic Pathways To Originate Unprcedented Diagnostic Biomarkers

Autism and cryptogenic epilepsy are serious brain disorders that have a significant prevalence rate in Saudi Arabia. Both diseases lack diagnostic laboratory biomarkers and specific lines of treatment. ...

Antimicrobial Activity Of A Phenolic Compound Extracted From The Rind Of Punica Granatum Against Klebsiella Pneumonia, Haemophilus Influenzae And Acinetobacter Species

Punica granatum is commonly used in Jordan as a traditional medicine for the treatment of pathogenic bacteria. In this study, the antimicrobial activity of ...

No Pain… All Gain! The Stimulative Cardiovascular Metabolic Solution To Disability-Induced Obesity

In Saudi Arabia, publications in 2010 revealed that 25% of the population is classified obese, which contributes to 20 thousand deaths yearly. Physical activities with decreased caloric intake are the general ...

Potential Use Of Sirna As An Inhibitor For The Replication Of The Hepatitis C Virus

Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of the Flaviviridae family of viruses, is a major cause of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Because it does not ...

Just 4 Minutes! Rapid Method To Diagnose Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver. They are approximately 3.2millions people in the US chronically infected and each year 17.000 people are newly infected .The Hepatitis C virus is ...

Super Swabs

The main objective of this research is to find a herbal alternative to treating agitated skin (rashes or burns due to inner thighs friction). The research aims to develop ointments to treat such rashes and burns in the ...

Baby Thermo Hat

Fever defined as abnormal rise in body temperature (normal range 98.6°F – 99.6°F). The early sign of fever include chills or hot flashes, flushed skin, increased pulse and breathing rates, headache and ...

Gina Mamdouh Gayed Dar El Tarbiah American School, Cairo, EGYPT Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of the Flaviviridae family of viruses, is a major cause of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carci

Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of the Flaviviridae family of viruses, is a major cause of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Because it does not ...

A Study Of Carcinoma Tumor Suppression Via Employment Of P16 Gene Replacement

Carcinoma is the most commonly occurring type of cancer in humans. It`s a genetic disease often caused by the mutation of the patient`s p16INK4A gene, a tumor suppressor gene. The purpose of this study is to...

Sweet Superbug: Using Honey As An Antibiotic

Since their discovery in the 20th century, antibiotics have substantially reduced the threat posed by many infectious diseases, saving lives and easing the ...

Dramatic Reduction Of Ifn-Beta Expression By P38 Mapk Inhibition In Human Cells

Around Twenty thousand people die yearly worldwide because of the systemic lupus erythematousus. One of the reasons that causes this disease is the body`s excessive production of IFN-BETA. The ...

Linking Biomarkers To Behaviors For Novel Early Diagnosis, Treatment, & Prevention Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Children around the world are currently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) at late ages, solely based on behaviors subsequently exhibited. 82% of autistic children are diagnosed after age three, ...

The Use Of Bacillus Thuringiensis In Fighting Mosquito- Borne Diseases

Human race has been suffering along the ages several highly lethal diseases .By tracing the source of these diseases it was found that one of the main source of ...

Chlorpyripos Vs. Fertility: Study The Physiological And Histological Effects Of Pesticide(Chlopyripos)In Fertility

The infertility is a global problem and pesticide that widely used might affect human health and cause infertility and subfertility. Chlorpyrifos has been excessively used in agriculture. A new study in the Saudi ...

Caution! You Are Not Sitting Right!: A Pad That Guides You To The Right Sitting Posture

Many people in the world think that sitting with your back forced up right is the ideal sitting posture... Well, its not! The wrong sitting posture leads to hazardous short and long term effects, which vary from head-...

Estimation Of Genome Size And Ploidy Level In Salicornia Species For Understanding The Extent Of Genetic Variation

Due to population growth, food consumption has risen, thus increasing the need for greater food productivity by 70 percent by the year of 2050. At the same time, ...

Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor (GD Doped ZNO)

2001 was the year when the Polish scientist, T. Dietl, proposed doping wide band-gap semiconductors with a magnetic materials would generate ferromagnetism...

RNA-Guided Genome Editing In Arabidopsis Thaliana Using Crispr/Cas9

The world today faces an increasing shortage of food production due to the exponential growth in the human population. The root of this predicament lies in ...

Meeting The Future Demands Of World Crop Consumption: A Novel Construction Method For The Generation Of Dtale Constructs For Genome Engineering Applications

Statistics show that by 2050, the food production capacity needs to be doubled to meet the rising demands. Genome engineering can be used as a platform for ...

Type-I X-Ray Bursts And Fast Flares Evidence For Black Holes` Event Horizons

The All-Sky Monitor on Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer has been working for ten years. Data observed by ASM is stored in a main catalog that includes all sources and their ...

The Effect Of Cyclic Guanosine-Monophospate On Stomatal Movements

Plants are the main source of carbon for humans; they absorb carbon dioxide (Co2) and release oxygen (O2) through stomata pores. In this research it was...

Skydive Safely: A Developed Skydiving Suit That Inflates In Case Of Parachute Failure

The purpose of this project is to make skydiving safer and decrease the significant number of fatalities caused by its accidents, using a modified helium inflated skydiving ...

Determining Natural Tissue Development Of Edible Plants Using Electrical Impedance Measurements

Currently, many farmers in the world use chemical hormones and incentives to simulate their crop growth and provide additional attractiveness. In 1998, 5 to 6% ...

Explaining The Origin Of The 511 Kev Line Through The Simulation Of Galaxies With The Introduction Of Helium Shell-Detonation Supernovae

The 511 KeV line is the first type of gamma rays detected on earth that are emitted as the result of electro-positron annihilation. Since the detection of this line, many ...

The Effect Of Pesticides On Plant Growth

The purpose of this research project is to study the effect of using pesticides on plant growth. The study also aims to identify the nature of effect of pesticides and ...

Ala`A Al-Deen Magic Lamp

This research aims at achieving several objectives that might help us economize electricity through these mains points. First of all, utilization of the external enlightment for enlightening inside, developing the lights of cars and streets ...

If You Don`T Hear It, Feel It

Hearing sence is one of Gods bless to human beings. Hearing sense is one of the most significant sense to human beings. Un fortunately some people miss this ...

Synthesis Of Clean Fuel From A Renewable Source

Energy exhaustion and scarcity, additionally to air pollution, have become widely acknowledged issues concerning environment professionals and international ...

Energy From Spark Discharges--Amazing Overunity Or Experimental Error?

As published in "Physics Letters A" Antanasijevic et al. (2002) reported the results of their simple air-spark experiment showing more energy out than in...

test one

Test abstract project