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15 Courses

Genetic Mutations
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Genetic Mutations

The mutants are coming, the mutants are coming! But wait, are all mutations bad? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby explain what genetic mutations are all about. Discover the basics of what a mutation is and how they can have a major effect on survival and reproduction. You’ll also find out what happens when one of these changes becomes permanent, and why this is usually a bad thing - but why, every once in a while, it can be good. Tim and Moby will even show you why these "good" mutations are a driving force behind the evolution of species!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


Your genes are the instructions for making you. They help make you unique—but also similar to all life on Earth! Inside the cells of every living thing are molecules of DNA. Hidden within DNA's structure is a universal language: the genetic code. This simple but incredibly versatile code spells out genes for an enormous variety of traits. Humans have been hacking into this code for thousands of years. At first, they did it by breeding plants and animals with useful traits, a process called artificial selection. Now, genetic engineering technology is making it possible to edit the code directly. Click “play” to find out how genes affect all of our lives!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


Why are the scientific names of plants and animals so long and hard to say? Those are their names in binomial nomenclature, the two-name identification system developed by Carolus Linnaeus hundreds of years ago! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby explain why all organisms need to have long and sometimes unpronounceable names. You’ll learn about the major subcategories, or taxa, that biologists use to classify organisms. These include: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. And you’ll see how different animal species are ordered in the tree of life, including all of the kingdom and taxa they belong to. This is not classified information—so come and learn!

Stem Cells
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Stem Cells

What are stem cells and why are they so controversial? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby give you the rundown on what makes stem cells different from regular cells. They’ll show you how stem cells may one day be used to cure diseases and grow new organs and limbs. You’ll also learn the differences between the various types of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and adult stem cells. Do you support stem cell research? Watch the movie to learn the basics and decide for yourself!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


Say hello to DNA’s little friend - RNA! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby discuss RNA, or ribonucleic acid. Find out the differences between DNA and RNA, like how they look and how they work differently in your in body. You’ll also learn about the similarities they share and how they work together to communicate with cells and to create complex molecules like proteins. Discover how proteins are made, and about some special types of RNA like mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA, and their functions. Plus, find out what in the world “RNA world” means!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


DNA makes you one of a kind—right down to your cells! Nearly every cell in your body holds a copy of your unique deoxyribonucleic acid. This genetic blueprint contains instructions for cells to produce proteins, the building blocks of life. All that complex information is stored within a surprisingly simple code. It's made up of molecules known as bases: cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine. These four bases are like words in a special language, which can be arranged like sentences into thousands of sequences. They're called genes, and each one codes a different protein. Genes are responsible for making us who we are! We inherit them from our parents, packaged neatly into structures called chromosomes. Advances in technology have allowed scientists to manipulate DNA to cure diseases, grow heartier crops, and more. But there's still much more to learn about the power and potential of DNA. Get going on your own path to DNA discovery by watching this movie!

Passive Transport
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Passive Transport

Sometimes you really do get something for nothing. In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby teach you about passive transport and how cells get everything they need from their environment. Find out the difference between passive and active transport, plus how cells get oxygen, water, nutrients, and whatever else they may need to function. You’ll learn how cells have special membranes that use pores and diffusion to allow certain things to pass through with no effort from the cell, in addition to how diffusion works to help cells get rid of substances too. Who knew cells had a guest list?

Active Transport
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Active Transport

How do substances get in and out of a cell? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby introduce you to the concept of active transport. Find out which substances can move through gaps in a cell membrane without requiring any effort from the cell. See examples of transport through a process called diffusion, and find out how cells can use their own energy and special proteins to move substances across their membrane. You’ll also discover the main source of cell energy, and how your white blood cells kill germs. Tim will really sell you on how cells work!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


If you want to be a chemistry wizard, you'll first need to learn all about diffusion! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you everything you need to know about this important chemical process. Find out exactly what diffusion is and where you'll find it. You'll also see some examples of diffusion in everyday life. Plus, find out why scientists think that diffusion is such a hot topic! Okay, little wizard, diffuse away!

Cellular Respiration
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Cellular Respiration

Think this is a movie about your lungs? Well, don’t hold your breath! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby teach you everything you need to know about cellular respiration--including how it’s different from the respiratory system! See how living cells generate all the chemical energy they need by breaking down a simple sugar called glucose. Learn what the big deal is about oxygen, and why we need it to survive. And discover how organelles called mitochondria play a big role in how our bodies stay energized. So take a deep breath, count to ten, and click on this movie!

Cell Specialization
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Cell Specialization

What’s the difference between a brain cell and a cell in your little toe? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby explain all about cell specialization! You’ll find out about the two basic types of cells and how they are different. You’ll also discover the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells. Plus, you’ll learn what the shape and size of some cells, like nerve cells, red blood cells, and xylem cells, can tell you about their jobs. It’s hard not to appreciate how cells do their unique jobs after seeing this movie!

Cell Structures
Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN

Cell Structures

What’s in a cell? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby show you all the different parts of those tiny things called cells! You’ll see how each cell is like a little factory, carrying out different daily activities to make things run smoothly. Find out what forms the outer layer of a cell, and what that outer layer does. Discover the responsibilities of the nucleus, as well as of other cell parts, like the cytoplasm, lysosomes, vacuoles and ribosomes. Plus, you’ll learn how cells take in raw materials and send out products. Cells sure have some hard workers inside them!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


Bet you didn’t know you had building blocks! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby introduce you to your body’s most basic parts: cells. You’ll learn what cells are, exactly how tiny they are, and how and where they live. Find out the parts and structures of a typical cell, like the cell membrane, nucleus, and mitochondria. Discover the different functions cells can carry out and the different ways they can look. You’ll also see how cells can divide and multiply to help you grow. Cells certainly are hard little workers!

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


It’s time to get pasteurized! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby provide answers to all your questions on the process of pasteurization. You’ll find out how the process removes harmful bacteria from food and drink, allowing these products to stay fresher longer. You’ll also gain insight into the history of pasteurization, from the 19th-century experiments of French scientist Louis Pasteur to the advances made over the past century that have improved the nutrients and quality of pasteurized foods. Plus, you’ll learn about the different ways milk is pasteurized, and the effect that higher and higher temperatures have on the expiration date. Got (pasteurized) milk?

Cellular Life & Genetics
Preview Course

Teacher: Admin UNS2IN


Right now there are billions of tiny creatures crawling all over your skin. But not to worry--they're bacteria, microscopic bacterium exist everywhere on the planet Earth. In the BrainPOP movie on the Protists, Tim and Moby explain how these critters can be both helpful and harmful. You'll learn about the bacteria that help you digest food and the bacteria that help plants absorb nutrients from the soil. You'll also find out about the bacteria that cause nasty diseases like strep throat. You'll discover how these little buggers reproduce along with exactly what goes on inside their organelles. Finally you'll discover how bacteria made all life on Earth possible! Don't reach for the antibiotics just yet--check out this movie first!