UNS2IN aims at promoting quality science education and technological innovation and advancement, in the Arab region and Africa, in order to foster a strong, Innovation/knowledge-based economy in these targeted countries. UNS2IN, which is a programme of UNESCO-NECTAR, has been designed to galvanize science education in the Arab Region and Africa. The network intends to educate a new generation of qualified researchers and to develop a science educated workforce across the board (from 9K to university staff) – and from researchers to technicians - that is capable of utilizing top-notch technologies towards an innovation economy.
The network offers the opportunity for students to polish their scientific knowledge through the Basic sciences module (biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics) as a means to support the renewal and development of the science curriculum in the primary and secondary schools. The Basic Sciences Module is complemented with the Scientific Research Module, which is intended to develop the student’s curiosity, creativity, criticism, and interest for scientific and technical progress in a well-defined scientific approach. Observation, questioning, experimentation, and argumentation are among the elements that a student should experience when undertaking a science project.
The Inquiry-based Science Education (IBSE) module offers science teachers an intensive training e-program through which they learn the fundamentals of IBSE as well as to how to make use of local materials to carry out science experiments in their classroom.
We thank all our partners, who generously offered the use of their educational material to make this UNESCO Project complete. I hope your experience utilizing this portal is worth it and as useful as we have planned. Please tell us about it.
Nazar Hassan