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15 المقررات الدراسية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Outer Solar System

Ever wonder where our solar system ends and the rest of space begins? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you about the outer reaches of our solar system! You’ll first learn about the planet-like objects recently found in the boonies of the solar system--and whether or not there really is a Planet X. Next, Tim and Moby take you on a tour of the outer limits of our galactic neighborhood. You’ll find out about regions like the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud, as well as where, exactly, the solar system ends! It’s a distant journey but you’ll be glad you took it!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Solar System

How we did we all get here? The history of the solar system is long but fascinating—and it probably started with a bang! Astronomers believe that more than 4.5 billion years ago, an exploding star created a huge cloud of gas and dust. Gravity drew this stuff together into clumps, eventually forming the sun and the surrounding planets. There are four rocky, inner planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—and four gas giants farther out—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. But wait, there's more! Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. So, get ready to blast off with Tim and Moby as they explore our galactic neighborhood!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Moon Phases

The moon has many faces—get to know them all! In this movie, Tim and Moby introduce you to the phases of the moon. Discover the connection between the moon’s phases and the relative positions of the moon, Earth, and sun. Explore how the moon’s illuminated surface seems to grow and shrink over the course of a month. Learn the difference between crescent and gibbous, and follow the moon’s journey from new moon to full moon and back again. Your knowledge about lunar phases is sure to wax, not wane!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Milky Way

Our home in the universe is the Milky Way galaxy. In this movie, Tim and Moby spout off fun facts about the huge clump of stars that Earth and the rest of the solar system is a part of! Find out just how many stars there are in the Milky Way (hint: it’s a LOT!) as well as what exactly makes up a galaxy like ours. You’ll discover what the Milky Way looks like from afar and why it looks like a big milky blob from Earth. You can also see where we’re located in the galaxy and how long it would take for us to orbit around the galaxy’s center — where astronomers think something mysterious might be lurking!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Life Cycles of Stars

What happens to a star when it dies? In this movie, Tim and Moby will teach you all the secrets of the stars--how they form, how long they live, and what happens when they die. In particular, you’ll discover what will happen to our star, the sun, when it’s ready to expire--we’d better have another place to live at that point, because things on Earth might get a bit toasty! You’ll learn why some stars just peter out and die quietly, while others go out in a huge blaze of glory--and others still collapse so rapidly on themselves that they turn into black holes!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

International Space Station

Want to live in space for a while? Try visiting the International Space Station! In this movie, Tim and Moby provide you with a comprehensive introduction to this massive structure that orbits 350 kilometers above Earth’s surface. Discover how and why the station is being built and learn about many of the cool features it will contain when it’s completed. You’ll also learn about which nations are participating in its construction and about the systems that allow the station’s inhabitants to breathe normally. Plus, you’ll find out about the impact that the station may have on the future of science and space exploration! Get ready to blast off!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Are you a galactic superstar? In this movie, Tim and Moby will teach you how to be one by learning about the wonders of galaxies, those massive clusters of stars, gas, and dust. Learn just how many zillions of objects a galaxy can have (okay, a zillion isn’t a real number...) in addition to what exactly is lurking inside each galaxy. You’ll find out about our own spiral Milky Way galaxy, as well as other galaxies that have different shapes. And you can discover the way galaxies behave — how they’re speeding away from each other and what happens to a galaxy at the end of its life. It’s a galaxy of fun!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Why are astronomers looking for planets around other stars? In this movie, Tim and Moby discuss exoplanets, and why they're so fascinating to the scientific community. You'll learn about why it's so difficult to observe them directly, and find out about the different methods for discovering new exoplanets indirectly. Tim will go over the concepts behind gravitational methods, including astrometry and the Doppler method, as well as a way to measure tiny changes in a star's light intensity. Plus, you'll find out about an exciting new way to observe exoplanets directly, by measuring their infrared radiation. So pull up a chair and see where the real ET lives!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Want to watch the sun disappear? It's no magic trick—it's a total solar eclipse! This rare and spectacular phenomenon is just one type of eclipse caused by Earth's cosmic dance with the moon and the sun. At certain points in the moon's orbit, it blocks our view of the sun, resulting in a solar eclipse. And when Earth gets between the sun and the moon, our shadow crosses the moon, resulting in a lunar eclipse. But why are eclipses so rare? Tim and Moby have the answer. They'll also explain the difference between partial and total eclipses; what an umbra is; why the path of totality is the place to be; and how to observe a solar eclipse safely. Don't let this movie pass you by—click "play" and prepare to be illuminated!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Dark Matter

What’s that dark, big, mysterious stuff in outer space? Good question, scientists aren’t sure either! But they think it might be a funky substance called dark matter. If you’ve heard of dark matter but don’t know what it is, make sure you check out this  movie. In it, Tim and Moby will tell you why astronomers think there’s something massive out in space that we can’t see. You’ll also learn a little bit about the history of how dark matter was discovered, as well as what scientists think it might be made of! It’s pretty spooky!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


For thousands of years, people across the world have looked at the sky, and recognized patterns they used to map out the heavens, navigate their ships, and even try to predict the future! In this BrainPOP astronomy movie on constellations, Tim and Moby tell you everything you need to know about these patterns, from Orion to Ursa Minor. Discover the difference between the modern astronomer’s definition of a constellation and the ancient definition. Learn how constellations move across the sky every night, and why some of them are only visible during certain months. Find out what sets circumpolar constellations apart from seasonal ones, and learn the names of some of the best-known constellations. Finally, learn all about the Zodiac, the series of twelve star patterns that lies within the ecliptic, or the plane of Earth’s orbit. So tear your eyes away from the horoscope section of the newspaper, and click on this movie to get the real truth!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Is a comet the same thing as a shooting star? In this BrainPop movie, Tim and Moby will tell you the cool story of comets. You’ll find out what they’re made of (hint: you probably have some in your freezer!) as well as where they come from. And you’ll be able to tell your friends about the different parts of a comet, as well as why you don’t see most of the parts until a comet gets close to the sun. Meet some of the most famous comets in history and find out why you don’t see them very often!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Black Holes

Want to learn about the weirdest objects in the universe? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will introduce you to black holes--the areas in space where stuff disappears forever! You’ll learn about the two main types of black holes that astronomers study today, as well as how each one forms. You’ll also discover just how many black holes there are in our galaxy alone--and why we can’t see them! Finally, you’ll get a quick tutorial on how black holes are thought to work--and you’ll find out why nothing, not even light, can escape their powerful grasp. Forget weird, these things are downright scary!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Big Bang

How did it all begin? In this BrainPOP, movie Tim and Moby introduce you to the most prominent scientific theory about the start of the universe: the Big Bang theory! Find out when the idea came about, who thought it up, and how it became so widely accepted. You’ll also see what scientists think happened shortly after the Big Bang, and how all the resulting matter and energy is thought to have spread out to create everything in the known universe! It’s a big universe out there, so you might as well learn about its early days!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s — an asteroid! Ever wonder where shooting stars come from? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby take you to the world of asteroids, which are basically just big space rocks. You’ll see where most asteroids live in our solar system and meet the biggest asteroid known to man! Discover what makes an asteroid different from a comet, and find out the eerie history of how an asteroid may have wiped out the dinosaurs! Watch out!