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15 المقررات الدراسية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Can you imagine a computer smaller than a grain of sand? How about a tiny robot that can rove through the body and destroy cancer cells? In this BrainPOP movie Tim and Moby will teach you about nanotechnology, the scientific arena that hopes to make these things a reality! First, you’ll discover what nanotechnology is and learn about some of the events that jump-started its development. Next, you’ll find out some of the ways in which scientists hope to use nanotechnology to make our world better and cleaner--as well as how nanotech has progressed so far! Plus, you’ll find out about one important down-side to nanotechnology. As the world gets smaller and smaller, you’ll want to keep up with the latest developments, so check out this movie to find out more!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Mineral Identification

Is that a diamond or cubic zirconia on your finger? After Tim and Moby introduce you to the world of mineral identification, you’ll never be fooled again! In this BrainPOP movie, you’ll learn how to use the physical properties of minerals to tell them apart. Discover why it’s important to look not just at color and hardness but also other properties like luster, streak and even something called cleavage! You’ll learn about the different scales used to measure mineral properties, and why the only mineral that can mark up a diamond is another diamond. Soon you’ll be ready to start that rock collection (just don’t leave them in the living room)!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Do you have the mettle to learn about metals? learn all about the elements and alloys we call metal. Find out about their physical properties, like ductility and hardness, as well as their chemical properties, like positive valence and the tendency to oxidize. Take a look at how metals are subdivided on the periodic table of elements. You'll learn about why metal is so important to people, too. Discover its many uses, from cars to silverware to cell phones...to medals!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Don’t you wish there were one simple word that you could use to describe trillions and trillions of tiny particles? Oh, wait, there is! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby get up close and personal with the mole, one of the most important concepts in chemistry. Learn why the mole is ideal for counting tiny particles like atoms and molecules. See how scientists like Amedeo Avogadro saw beyond the transient nature of gases to discover the properties that define the mole. And discover the mole’s many practical applications, both in the chemistry lab and the real world. You’ll never confuse this mole with a furry underground creature again!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Not sure what an isotope is? Have we got something perfect for you! Tim and Moby teach you all about isotopes, including what they are and how they are used in chemistry! You’ll find out why atomic number and atomic mass are so important to understanding isotopes. And you’ll learn about some naturally-occurring isotopes like Chlorine-35 and Chlorine-37. Got it? Good!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Ions are so attractive, aren’t they?  Tim and Moby explore the properties of ions! You’ll find out what makes an ion and see how an ion forms. You’ll also learn about the two different types of ions — anions and cations — as well as about the energy levels through which electrons travel around an atom. You’ll discover where you can find different ions on the periodic table, and also learn about ionic bonds. And you’ll find out how ions are related to table salt — pass it on!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


If you want to be a chemistry wizard, you'll first need to learn all about diffusion! Tim and Moby will teach you everything you need to know about this important chemical process. Find out exactly what diffusion is and where you'll find it. You'll also see some examples of diffusion in everyday life. Plus, find out why scientists think that diffusion is such a hot topic! Okay, little wizard, diffuse away!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Law of Conservation of Mass

Contrary to what your local magician might tell you, things cannot appear out of nowhere! Tim and Moby will teach you all about the law of conservation of mass! You'll discover why the law is used and how it's used in practical terms. Find out the different parts of a chemical reaction and who first realized that in a closed system matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Plus, you'll see an example of how the law works. Unless you know something we don't, don't expect to find any bunnies under top hats anytime soon!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Compounds & Mixtures

Ready to mix it up a little? Let Tim and Moby show you the difference between a compound and a mixture in this BrainPOP movie! Which blend looks nothing like its original elements? Which is more difficult to undo? Which can be separated using mechanical means? And what’s the difference between heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, anyway? Tim and Moby answer all these questions — and even explain the differences between salt water and salad dressing! Yum!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Chemical Equations

Chemical reactions never lose their balance—and neither should chemical equations! Chemical reactions happen when atoms break chemical bonds and form new ones. And because matter can’t be created or destroyed, you always end up with the same amount of matter before and after a chemical reaction. We can represent the inputs and outputs of a reaction with a chemical equation. The inputs should contain the same number of each type of atom as the outputs. But sometimes you have to do some finessing to get these numbers to balance out. It’s kind of like solving a puzzle. Except these puzzle pieces are the particles that make up the whole universe.

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Chemical Bonds

How do two colorless, reactive gases combine to form water, a stable liquid? Join Tim and Moby as they explore the fundamentals of chemical bonds. You’ll learn about atomic structure, including how electrons orbit atomic nuclei in levels called shells. Tim will show you how the number of electrons in each shell affects whether it will easily form bonds with other atoms. And you’ll learn about the two major kinds of chemical bonds: covalent, where pairs of electrons are shared between atoms; and ionic, where one atom “steals” electrons from another atom. Finally, you’ll discover how a substance’s properties dramatically change when it bonds with another substance. Watch this movie, and you’re bound to learn something new!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Acids and Bases

Why do acids eat through metal? Why does dishwashing liquid have a high pH? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby answer these questions — and more — in their movie on acids and bases. They’ll take you from the molecular properties of acidic and basic solutions all the way up to their uses in products ranging from soft drinks to soap. You’ll learn about hydronium and hydroxide ions, as well as why lemon juice stings if it gets into your eye. After the movie, take a pop quiz — not a litmus test!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Periodic Table of Elements

Curious about all the elements of the universe? Consult the periodic table to learn more! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby tell you what’s what in the periodic table of elements. You’ll learn all about atomic number, atomic mass, and chemical symbols. You’ll also find out what information is listed for each element, as well as how to read the table. And Tim and Moby will teach you about the different groupings or categories of elements — like metals, nonmetals, and noble gases. Now you’ll know it all!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Atomic Model

Atoms are everywhere! Although the atomic model has taken years and years to build, Tim and Moby guide you through its history in just a few short minutes! In this BrainPOP movie you’ll discover the ways in which scientists have constructed numerous models of the atom over the years. Tim and Moby start you off with the development of atomic theory way back in the 19th century. You’ll learn how electrons and neutrons were discovered, and how scientists realized that atoms are composed mainly of empty space. Awesome!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Property Changes

What are property changes? No, it doesn’t involve moving from one apartment to another! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will tell all about physical and chemical changes — and also give you lots of examples of these changes that we encounter every day. You’ll learn about the similarities between quick physical changes, like melting ice cream or a shattered watermelon, and slow ones, like the weathering that’s shaped the earth’s surface for millions of years. You’ll also find out about chemical changes, which include iron turning into rust, and how the food in our stomachs turns into life-sustaining nutrients. You’ll really feel at home with this movie!