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24 المقررات الدراسية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Are you sprouting hair in unusual places? Blame it on hormones! Tim and Moby explain some of the many body processes regulated by chemicals called hormones, which do everything from monitoring the amount of sugar in your blood to raising your heart rate during moments of stress. You’ll learn about the different types of hormones that your body releases during puberty - such as those that make your body grow, make boys’ voices deepen, cause your reproductive organs to change, and bring about other physical and emotional changes. Anyone need a razor?

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Nervous much? Tim and Moby will show you what makes neurons so different from other kinds of cells. You’ll learn about why neurons need to be shaped the way they are, and how they connect up with other neurons to form your nervous system! Get acquainted with the anatomy of a neuron, so you can tell a myelin sheath from a dendrite. You’ll also discover what the three main kinds of neuron are, and where you might find each. You won’t need nerves of steel to get through this one, just a couple of minutes!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Nervous System

Are you feeling nervous? Tim and Moby introduce you to the control center for your entire body, your nervous system! You’ll learn the three basic parts of the nervous system, and see exactly how it works to help you sense hot and cold, feel the difference between soft and sharp edges, and coordinate all of your actions and reactions. Plus, you’ll find out how neurons and brain chemicals called neurotransmitters work; what makes your reflexes function, and which parts of your skin have more receptors than others. Your nervous system really keeps you in the know!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Lymphatic System

When it comes to the body’s most important fluids, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Tim and Moby go in-depth to explain the workings of the lymphatic system. Learn how a special network of vessels, nodes, and organs returns plasma to your bloodstream and transports nutrients throughout your body. See how waste materials from your cells get hauled off for processing. Explore what really happens to the fats you eat. And discover why the lymphatic system is one of the immune system’s most important allies in the fight against infections and diseases!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Immune System

Watch out, germs!Tim and Moby teach you all about the immune system! In it, you’ll learn why we get sick and how our immune system fights off illness and disease. Find out which parts of your body make up your immune system, and what four general defenses this system has against any germs or chemicals that can make you sick. Discover what your white blood cells do, how antibodies are created, when your body needs antibiotics, and how vaccines work. Plus, see what habits and diseases can weaken your immune system. Take care of that body!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Urinary System

Peeing: We all do it, now find out why! Tim and Moby introduce one main way in which water helps your body: urination. You’ll learn all about the urinary system, how cells produce wastes, and how those wastes are removed from your body. Find out what’s in urine, what functions and responsibilities your kidneys have, and the important parts of a kidney. Plus, you’ll discover how your bladder works, why you feel the urge to go to the bathroom, and how urine exits your body. When you got to go, you got to go!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Respiratory System

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. How does this breathing thing work? Tim and Moby discuss the respiratory system and how it works! You’ll find out why your body needs to constantly breathe, how your lungs work, and the function of your diaphragm. Learn where air goes when you inhale, how oxygen gets into your blood, and how and why you exhale carbon dioxide. Plus, discover why it’s important to keep your lungs in good working order, and what you should and shouldn’t do to keep them healthy. All together now: Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in...

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Reproductive System

All liv ing things need to reproduce to keep their kind going.Tim and Moby explain the human reproductive system! Learn the basics on such topics as how the body changes during puberty, how the human reproductive organs function, and how babies are conceived. You’ll discover the different sex cells that males and females have, and how they are made in your reproductive organs. You’ll also find out what happens when sperm meets egg, what happens to an egg if it isn’t fertilized, and where a baby grows in a woman’s body. Don’t be shy - everyone has a reproductive system, so watch this movie and learn about it!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Endocrine System

Are your hormones raging?  Tim and Moby explain the functions of your endocrine system, which produces hormones that spur cellular activity. You’ll learn about the eight major glands, or collections of cells, that make up the endocrine system. Find out which gland is responsible for making you grow, which regulates the level of sugar in your blood, and which one gives you an extra burst of energy just when you need it the most. Plus, find out about some of the different hormones produced by these glands; the role your brain plays in the endocrine system; and how negative feedback tells your glands to stop producing hormones.

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Digestive System

Yum! Food sure tastes good! But how do we digest it? Tim and Moby teach you about the ins and outs of the digestive system! Learn about how mechanical digestion happens, what chemicals aid in chemical digestion, where the digestive cycle starts, and what juices in your stomach help break down food. Discover how ingestion works, what substances are absorbed into your stomach right away when you eat, and how many hours it takes your stomach to turn food into this nasty stuff called chyme. It’s kind of a gory story, but don’t worry - we’ll try not to make you hurl!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Circulatory System

Blood in your body certainly gets around! Tim and Moby talk about your circulatory system and how blood moves through your body. You’ll learn about blood vessels and the other parts of your body that make up the cardiovascular system. Find out about the two types of circulation your heart uses to move blood through the heart and lungs, plus another type of circulation your arteries and veins use to get oxygen-rich blood to your organs and tissues. Plus, discover which body parts return blood to the heart and lungs. It’s pretty cool how your blood keeps going and going and going...

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Fa la la la laaaaa! Ever wonder how all those sounds come out of your mouth? Tim and Moby explain how the voice works! Discover what your voice box is made of and where it’s located, plus what your true and false vocal cords do. Find out why men generally have a lower voice than women and why no two people have exactly the same voice. You’ll also learn what special vibrations produce sounds, and how your lips, tongue, mouth and nose help produce, amplify and shape your voice. It’s enough to make you break out in song!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


What did you say? Tim and Moby talk all about hearing, your ears, and sound waves! You’ll learn how sound works travels, and you’ll get to take a close look at the ears to see how you hear different sounds. Find out the three basic parts of the human ear, how cartilage helps you hear, and how your eardrum is actually similar to a real drum that you’d use to make music. Plus, you'll see how some animals have better hearing than humans, how deafness can happen, and how sign language works! It’s an earful of info!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Ever wonder how you’re able to see the world around you? Tim and Moby will break the whole process down for you. You’ll learn what your eyes have in common with a film camera--and why some animals have better eyesight than humans! The cornea, the lens, the pupil, the retina--Tim and Moby will identify them all for you, and tell you the role each one plays in helping you see. You’ll learn all about rods and cones, the iris, and the optic nerve. So click the link and watch closely!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Feeling a little… queasy?  Tim and Moby will introduce you to the appendix, a little blind alley that’s attached to your large intestine. Find out about the painful condition called appendicitis, and why doctors have to remove your appendix right away if you get it. You’ll also learn about peritonitis, the life-threatening condition that can happen when appendicitis is left untreated. Tim will explain why the appendix is called a vestigial organ, and how evolution played a part in its development. Finally, you’ll learn some warning signs of appendicitis, and why you shouldn’t freak out every time you get a stomach ache. The organ may be largely useless, but this movie sure isn’t!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Chances are, you don’t think about your skin too often, unless you've got a pimple, a mosquito bite, or some poison ivy. But your skin is one of the most important organs of your body--and in this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will show you why it's so essential! You'll learn about the tremendous number of cells that make up your skin, as well as the structures that are responsible for creating your hair and your skin color. You'll discover how an inner layer of fat cells protects your body's internal structures while insulating them against the cold! Finally, Tim will explain the effect sunlight has on skin, and how seemingly gross secretions like sweat and oil actually protect your skin! So if you've got an itch to learn, scratch this movie!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Are you ready to pump some iron? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby examine the muscular system and how our bodies move. You’ll learn the basic types of muscles and the different ways they look and work. See exactly how you can consciously control some parts of your body to do different things like move bones or show expressions on your face. Discover how your skeletal muscles attach to your bones and why your muscles need to contract and relax. Plus, find out what kind of sugar powers your muscles, as well as what your muscles need to prevent cramping. Alright, let us see you flex!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


You like being able to move, right? Well, thank your joints! In this BrainPOP movie about joints, you’ll learn all about why these parts of the body are so crazy-important. Find out how the bones in your skeleton move thanks to joints, plus the difference between movable and immovable joints. You'll discover some of the different kinds of joint that connect bone and see where they are located. Find out what holds joints together, and what keeps bones and joints from wearing down when they rub together. Joints: Don’t even try to move without them!

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Spinal Cord

Ready to learn about the most important cord in your body? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby introduce the spinal cord and its many functions. Find out what your spinal cord enables you to do, what it’s made of, and how long and wide it is. You’ll learn about the special fluid in the middle of your spinal cord and what it does, plus the functions and locations of different types of neurons - grey matter and white matter - in your spinal cord. Plus, you’ll discover the special bones that surround and protect the spinal cord so it can do its many jobs. Who knew one cord could be so useful?

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Oh, my bleeding heart! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby discuss the human heart and how it works! First, learn about the size, functions, and parts of the heart. See out how your heart is different from other muscles in your body, and how its two pumps create your heartbeat. Discover how your heart pumps used and fresh blood in a special way to keep you healthy and alive, and how long it takes for blood to circulate once through your entire body. Plus, find out why your heartbeat gets faster, harder and louder when you’re running around. Your heart works so hard and never gets a vacation!