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11 المقررات الدراسية

Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Whether it’s an iPod, a Zen, or a Gigabeat, MP3 players are everywhere. So how do they store up to 15,000 songs in the palm of your hand? In this BrainPOP movie on MP3s, Tim and Moby will teach you what MP3s are, how they’re created, and why they’re so popular! You’ll learn all about file compression and how to create copies of your music that are smaller than normal but almost identical in sound quality. You’ll also find out about perceptual noise shaping, and the devices you can use to make, compress, and play MP3s. So press pause, take out your earbuds, and watch this movie!

Video Games
Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Video Games

Do you spend hours in the computer room battling digital orcs and dragons? Do your thumbs ever get sore from mashing game controller buttons a little too intensely? If so, this BrainPOP movie on video games just might be for you. In it, Tim and Moby break down the process of how video games are created. They describe the powerful microprocessors that allow computers and game consoles to create realistic 3-D worlds, and explain how teams of techies write the software that make great games impossible to put down. You’ll discover how characters are created and animated; how the physics of swordfights, car crashes, and space explosions are encoded into games; and how geometric shapes called polygons are put together to create realistic objects and environments. So tear yourself away from that PlayBox and spend a few minutes learning about how your favorite games actually work!

Digital Animation
Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Digital Animation

Ever wonder how a movie makes its way from your questions to your computer screen? Discover the process as Tim and Moby introduce you to the basics of digital animation! In the movie, you’ll learn about two popular types of computer animation--one that you might find in the movies and another that’s used to create Web sites, including the one you’re looking at right now! You’ll find out about the different steps our writers, editors, and animators take to bring BrainPOP movies to life, and how the whole thing gets put onto the Web where you can watch it. Pull up a chair and enjoy the show!

Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Most robots aren’t as clever as Moby or as exciting as the mechanical people you see in science fiction, but they're still pretty cool. In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you all about robots and how they work! Discover the technical definition of a robot and why robots are currently unable to work without human input. You’ll also learn how robots are becoming more and more complex — and you’ll see how they’re used in applications ranging from performing household chores to exploring deep-sea areas and other planets where humans aren’t able to go. So check out our robot movie — Moby and his kind will be glad that you did!

Computer Viruses
Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Computer Viruses

You may have heard of software, but what about its malicious counterpart? Malware can sneak onto your gadgets and get up to no good! Luckily, Rita and Moby are here to help you protect yourself from Trojan horses, viruses, and worms. You'll learn how these tricky programs can spread to almost any device connected to the Internet, from a computer to a smart fridge. Plus, you'll discover all the nasty things they can do once they arrive, a.k.a. the payload. They might hold your files for ransom, spy on you, steal your personal information, or just break your device. Find out how to defend yourself against these digital villains before you click on anything else online. (Oh, but that "Play" button is safe. We promise!)

Cloud Computing
Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Cloud Computing

Having your head in the clouds can be a good thing--especially if the clouds are digital! In this BrainPOP technology movie, Tim introduces Moby to the wonders of cloud computing. Discover how the "cloud" is really a network of powerful data centers connected by the Internet. Learn how any device with an Internet (or even cellular) connection can access this network from anywhere in the world. Explore the multiple uses of the cloud, from storing huge amounts of data to running computer programs on many devices at once. How can cloud computing change the way we communicate, learn, and do business? The sky's the limit!

Computer Programming
Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Computer Programming

Computer programming might seem hopelessly complicated, but it's actually a lot like walking--you just have to take it one step at a time! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby explain how programming is just like giving instructions. Discover how people write commands in computer languages called code, and how code is broken down into step-by-step procedures called algorithms. Then, see how patience, attention to detail, and the ability to foresee different circumstances and outcomes can turn a lines of text into useful programs and activities!

Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Welcome to the information superhighway! In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will teach you all about the Internet and how it works. You had to log on to the Web to access BrainPOP – so how does the Internet allow people to share information? Discover how the Web’s millions of portals link together to form the largest network on Earth! Among other things, you’ll learn the difference between a client and a server, and what terms like ISP, DNS, and IP server mean. Plus, you’ll see, step-by-step, the processes that takes place when you access BrainPOP from your home computer! So what are you waiting for — let the Web take you to fun new places!

Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Ready, set, PRINT! In this BrainPOP movie on printers, you’ll find out everything you need to know about computer printing. In the movie, Tim and Moby will teach about the differences between inkjet and laser printing and how it is that a printer transfers what’s on your computer to paper. You’ll also learn all about the main components of printers — anyone want to know what a printer drum does? — and you can find out the physical differences between color and black-and-white printing. Best of all, after you’re done, you can put your new knowledge to work by printing out one of BrainPOP’s games, experiments, or quizzes! So get to it and check out our printing movie!

Data Storage Devices
Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN

Data Storage Devices

One, two, three, four, we declare a thumb drive war! Learn the basics of peripheral data storage devices in this BrainPOP technology extravaganza. Tim and Moby will tell you about binary, the special language made of 1’s and 0’s that all digital devices use to communicate and store data. They’ll also demystify bits and bytes for you, explaining just how much code these units of binary measurement represent. Next, you’ll find out about optical media like CDs and DVDs, how they store data as microscopic bumps, and how a player reads that data. Tim will also teach you about USB flash memory, the kind of storage used in those handy thumb drives, and how those drives are related to memory cards you might find in a digital camera. So save whatever you’re working on and check out this rad movie!

Computer Science & Communications
استعراض الدورة التدريبية

معلم: Admin UNS2IN


Want to learn computer-speak? In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby teach you all about the binary system, the language of computers! Discover how binary differs from the base-10 number system that us humans tend to use (with the numbers 0 through 9) and why computers find it much easier to stick with binary. You’ll also see what binary has to do with switches as well as how, exactly, to read binary or create a number using the binary system. Zeroes and ones all day long — what fun!